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Moving our County Forward

Policy issues are an important aspect of the campaign, so keep an eye out for continued updates throughout the election season as Nic engages our Collin County Democrats. 



​Collin County is one of the most prosperous counties in all of Texas. However, for years our party has lacked strong fundraising. This, in turn, has impacted our ability as a county party to provide the resources needed to run an effective coordinated campaign, encourage voter participation, and energize potential candidates, organizers, and staffers to fight the good fight against a long-term incumbent ​​

Effective Leadership

​Collin County has the talent to become the county that all democrats of Texas look upon as an example of success. There are numerous entities working very hard in Collin County, but they're all working in a vacuum that should be filled by our county party. As your Democratic Party County Chair I will provide the type of leadership that fills that vacuum by inviting all of these entities to come together and collaborate in order to produce dynamic strategies that will and can be used for generations to come.


Reaching Voters

I have always believed in the power of your vote. However, our Republican lawmakers make it harder to vote, and express your voice in our county. As the Democratic party chair in Collin County, it will be my mission to reach out to voters. I will lead efforts to engage our county community to register new voters, listen to current voters, and deploy strategies to keep them involved in every election (local, state, and national). I will also prioritize voter education because once we register a voter our work does not stop there. In order to make sure our voters are motivated we must teach them about the impact of voting in their everyday lives and family.  It is with this committed "voter-centric" mindset that I will lead our party when elected.



Nic has been a lifelong protector of our democracy at home and aboard. He believes that every Democrat in Collin County has to be reached. In order to turn out the vote for our candidates, we must operate as one. Nic will make it a priority to listen and implement ideas for the various minority communities, rural area groups, and city clubs across the county.

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